Thursday, June 13, 2013


I was on the computer the other morning minding my own, when I heard someone lock up their brakes on our road. As a concerned citizen, I looked out the window to see a man jumping from his pick up to look at my neighbors cows. He then proceeded to take pictures of them. So I took a picture of him.

I'm curious what will become of those pictures. Does he get them printed up and hang them on his wall and dream of that great day when he saw cows in a  field? Now that the warm weather has returned, this is a common occurrence. We often have the motorcyclists who feel it necessary to yell "BAAAAA" at the top of their lungs as they drive past our sheep. Or the woman who pulled into our driveway and got into the pen with the lambs because they looked so cute-lucky for her the electric wasn't on, despite the sign saying it was. Part of me wished the ram had been in the pen and he would have shown her how cute he could be. I imagine this year will probably have more gawkers than usual.
  Hay is not cheap, and previously the rams have spent the summer lounging in the barn dining on it in excess quantities. I resolved last fall that we would be going with a low mow approach this year. The rams don't need large  areas, but do well on smaller plots that the ewes would have gone in hours. So, we have one ram who is working a rotation in the front lawn in three sections. and the other will be cleaning up in the area behind the barn and in front of the sugar shack. Keeping them out of visual distance of each other is also key because a battle could erupt were one able to get near the other. Initial experiments have been good on the front lawn although I have to put aside my dream manicured golf green in favor of a less uniform look as he grazes randomly from place to place, however the end result is not too bad and two hours not spent mowing each week sucking in exhaust fumes is okay with me.

1 comment:

  1. I'm surprised you haven't had any gawkers of your own because you're pretty darned entertaining........
